Committed to physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being!

Divyamrut Gir Cow ghee
We at “Divyamrut Naturals” are a group of meditators who believe that each human being is a TREASURE CHEST of infinite powers. Spirituality is the process of exploring that INFINITY WITHIN. Yog, Pranayam, Meditation, pious food, and a lifestyle that is aligned with the principles of the nature can bring about EXTRAORDINARY TRANSFORMATION in one’s life.
In the current times when the entire human population is going through an UNPRECEDENTED upheaval, we feel it is our MORAL duty to explore the most favorable GIFTS from nature and make them available to as many people as possible.
In that endeavor, we offer you the most PIOUS, NUTRITIOUS, and IMMUNITY BOOSTER “Gir Cow Ghee”!!!
The pristine richness of this Ghee is sure to enhance Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual WELL-BEING.
With Love and Reverence for “Gau-Mata”, our stride is to make this benevolent Ghee available to every household.
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Our Mission... Our Promise!
- Extremely precise
- Our cows are ensured disease-free, Our cows are tagged to ensure there is no cross-breeding in 7 generations.
- They are fed in line with Vedic methodology and provided with all the ingredients necessary for their nutrition.
- In free grazing, it is ensured that they don’t eat any plastic, domestic, or hospital waste.
At Divyamrut Naturals, with the love and reverence for our “Gau-mata”, our stride is to make this benevolent ghee available to every household. The pristine richness of this product is sure to promise, physical emotional mental, and spiritual well-being.
We welcome you to partner with us to take this benevolent product to as many households as possible. We are open to tie up with organizations and corporate houses for bulk buying. Individual distributors are also welcome to become our representatives globally.

Benefits of Gir Cow Ghee:
- Builds immunity to fight bacteria and viruses
- Contains conjugated Linolenic acid (CLA) which has anti-diabetic and immunomodulatory effects
- Promotes weight loss
- Supports healing of ulcers, burns, piles, fishers and fistula.
- Slows down progress of cancer
- Improves memory and brain function
- Contains butyric acid which nourishes intestinal cells and aids in digestion, relieves constipation and promotes detoxification
- Beneficial in treating insomnia
- Prevents heart disease
- Improves eyesight
- Is a good product for body and foot massage.
- Contains Vit A2, E & D with omega properties which are highly important and beneficial for a healthy lifestyle
Gir cow ghee has been given a title of “Rasayana” in Ayurveda, meaning herbs and food that work wonder for overall health and promotes longevity and well-being.
Hindu vedic text Yajurveda mentions ghee made from pure desi cow’s milk as a sacred ingredient, a must have in all homas, yagyas and is offered to Agni (fire) and various deities during rituals.
Traditional Indian medicine suggests lighting diyas, by dipping wicks made from pure cotton in ghee to kill viruses, bacteria and other contaminants in the air.
Methods of Preperation